Moderator/Presenter: David M. Paule, Senior Consultant, Our Fundraising
Search, Atlanta, GA
Presenter: Matthew S. Davis, Director of Historic Museums, Georgia
College, Milledgeville, GA
Strategic planning is important for a museum in normal years. Coming
out of the multitude of crises associated with the pandemic makes it
essential. Now is the best possible time to take a fresh approach to plan
for your future. The Georgia College House Museums (GCHM) recently
completed a new strategic plan. Despite being in the middle of a shutdown,
a pandemic, and the panoply of other issues and challenges that
2020 brought, GCHM was able to complete the new plan in a fast, effective
manner by using a unique, expedited planning process provided
by Our Fundraising Search. In this session, we’ll tell you how we did it.